Salt and Light
Southern Baptist Church
Where it's all about relationships not religion!
Salt & Light SBC gathering at New Location
Salt and Light Southern Baptist Church has relocated! Our new location is 391 Old Davisson Run Road Clarksburg, WV. Services begin at 9:30 am with meet and sweets followed by worship service at 10 am.
Salt & Light began as Life Groups which transitioned to a Church Plant in June of 2013. Pastor Don Knotts and his wife Tammy began life group (small group) meetings at Panera Bread and at the Delaney home. Soon it was time to find a place to gather, worship and grow. Salt and Light’s first official service was held at the Bridgeport Conference Center 9/15/13. After a brief time there we relocated to the conference rooms at the Days Inn Bridgeport where we continued to grow and see God do great things.
During our time at Days Inn we and our community faced a time of struggle due to the Covid virus. Soon gatherings at the Days Inn were restricted to a few people at a time. During this time Salt and Light briefly met in the Days Inn parking lot until weather was a factor. When it was too cold to meet in the parking lot Salt and Light went to online services. Online services are still available on our Face Book page (Slat and Light SBC) and our website, (saltandlightwv.org). After a brief time of online only services God blessed Salt and Light with a new location as the Rushing Wind Church in Spelter, WV offered to share their building. Salt and Light is very grateful to Rushing Wind for their generosity and faithfulness during our time there. During our time sharing the facility Salt and Light continued to grow and impact the community around us.
Now God has opened the door for Salt and Light to relocate once again. The Congregation of Salt and Light SBC is excited to announce that we will begin holding services at the Old Davisson Run Road (Church with the red roof) location 12/3/23. Services will begin at 9:30 am with meet and sweets followed by worship service and children’s Church at 10: am.
Salt and Light is a Church on the move both physically and spiritually. Salt and Light is looking forward to our new location and the ministry opportunities God provides. Additionally Salt and Light is on the move as a great commission Church sharing the gospel of Christ as we go according to Matthew 28:18-19, preserving life and scattering darkness.
Salt and Light invites you to join us at our new location and in our efforts to share the life changing gospel of Jesus.
Please visit our website, saltandlightwv.org or our face book page Salt and Light SBC for more details and additional service information.
We look forward to seeing you at Salt and Light SBC.
Pastor Don Knotts